Monday, November 20, 2017


Hello everyone, this week was a really fast, but really good week. We had interviews with President this week, and they were amazing as always. Afterwards, we had a zone training meeting with some of the Elders and Sisters in the zone, it went really well. I gave a training that President and his wife gave the week before at zone will never know stressed until you have to give a training that your mission pres and wife gave the week before with Sister Gardner turned out pretty good haha! We had a great week seeing our inv. Charlie and Rose fed us this week, and we were able to have a lesson right after, they are awesome! We also taught Jana this week, she quit smoking! and she is progressing towards baptism here soon! Overall, we had a good week of seeing new people, and finding new investigators. I am thankful for thanksgiving, and all of the food we will get to eat! Its going to be awesome! We are building a fence and visiting inv. and members all day, so it should be a really fun day! Other than that, not too much else happened this week, Elder Towne and i are working well together, just trying to keep track of the days, because they all just kinda melt together haha! I am loving every second of my mission so far, i cant wait for the next few weeks! Anyhow, i love you all, have a happy Thanksgiving, and take time to ponder on all of the Blessings Heavenly Father has given us. 

Elder Kirby

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