Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Hello everyone, happy new year! I cant believe that its already 2018. This whole year seemed to just fly by! We celebrated new years by working in the freezing weather. The high the last few days was 4 degrees, and the low was about -25 without wind. It has been so awesome, really cold, but awesome nonetheless. This week was a fun week, church was cancelled on Sunday due to the weather, so President Gardner called a Zone Leader meeting for all of us in Omaha and Council Bluffs. We got trained on using our new phones! It was a really good meeting, and I
 Sign states: Missionaries will be eaten!!
am excited to start using technology to forward the work! The rest of the week was relatively slow, we were able to find a few awesome people, and we are seeing miracles in the area! We have a few progressing investigators who we are excited to continue helping progress. This coming week should be really fun, we have MLC and an exchange lined up with the Eagle Run Elders! Hopefully there willl be more to report next week, but until then, love ya! have a great week!

Elder Kirby 
Jacob 4:7 

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