Monday, January 22, 2018


Hello everyone,

This week was a truly amazing week! I was so thankful for the opportunity to watch the announcement of President Russel M. Nelson. I loved his testimony and the words he spoke to us, if you haven't gotten to watch it I would strongly suggest doing so! I have a testimony that God has prepared him for this calling. I testify that he is truly a prophet. And I know that as we take heed to his words we will always be guided towards truth and light. I dearly love President Monson and I am forever grateful for his faithful service, and for his testimony as Gods chosen representative on earth. And just as I sustained him, I sustain President Nelson as well. What a wonderful time to be on the earth, to have prophets dwelling among us! I am truly grateful for that blessing, and to have continual guidance from the Lord. I am so grateful for the priesthood keys that have been restored to the earth that blesses our lives in numerous ways. I know that this church is true, and I am so thankful to be apart of it, and to be able to proclaim it's truth everyday. What a time to be alive.

This week was great for us here in Fontnelle, we have been having a lot of great success lately. We took Rue and his mom Sheila to the trail center this week, and had an amazing tour and lesson. The spirit was so strong, and it was touching to see a mother and her son totally embracing the gospel. She came to church this Sunday, and it was awesome, because Rue was able to answer a lot of her questions! I am so happy for them, I know that the Lord has prepared their hearts. We also were able to do a lot of finding this week, on account of the good weather! It was nice to get out and just walk and talk to people. We also have been able to meet with quite a few of our investigators, and we are starting to see a lot of great things!

It's been pretty cool to have phones, they have been a huge help and a blessing to us; we have been able to contact a lot more referrals. And we have seen a lot of success in finding! We did a lot of training on them this week, and we are excited to start using Facebook a little bit more! It's so cool to see the work hastening like it is, and it's even cooler to be apart of it! I'm excited to see how the Lord will continue to open doors for us to share the gospel even more!

I had a spiritual thought this week, and it comes from Preach my Gospel. I was studying under the missionary work section, and I loved what it said about missionary work. It goes as follows: "Members who share the gospel, experience joy and have the spirit of the Lord more abundantly."(PMG 84)
The Lord doesn't expect us to go and knock doors all day, all he asks of us is that we are always willing to share, that when we are prompted or when we have an opportunity to share, that we don't shy away, but that we try our best. Sharing the gospel can be simple, sending a scripture over text, volunteering for service projects, saying hello to a stranger, or bearing a short testimony. By doing these simple things , we connect our brothers and sisters to the Savior, to His atonement. There is a quote from a movie about the restoration that i love. The scene portrays a group of men splitting wood for an elderly woman, the woman then approaches Joseph Smith and says: "I don't agree with you religion Mr. Smith, but I do appreciate your kindness." The Prophet Josheh responded saying: "I guess you could say that that is our religion ma'am" sharing the gospel can be simple. And I testify that as we do, we will be more joyful, and the spirit will continue to guide us to those who are prepared. Thank you for all the support, well wishes and prayers. I love you! Have a great week!
Elder Kirby

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