Monday, January 29, 2018


Hello everyone, 
This week was so amazing, Elder Clayton left us, but we got Elder Wangsgaard! So we have been hyped. This week was so awesome full of great miracles, and lots of fun. We got to do a short exchange with the Sioux Falls Elders, who came down for MLC. It was a blast, I went with Elder Perkins, he is the man, we had a ton of fun, and found some really sweet people. I will share a couple miracles from this week!

Elder Donohue and I, were walking through a trailer park, and both of us got the impression to knock on a certain house. As we knocked a young man came to the door, we introduced ourselves, and asked if we could start with a prayer, he agreed, so we taught him the Restoration. Since then we have met with him 4 days in a row, and had an amazing tour at the trail center. I know that the spirit touched his heart, because it touched mine. He expressed to us that he had jumped around to different churches, and that he was really looking for the truth. It was awesome and touching to see that tender mercy from the Lord.

Another miracle we saw today, actually starts when I was serving in North Platte. When I was there we started teaching a young family, but due to some complications, they had to move to Omaha. So we helped them load up there stuff in a trailer, and that was the last we saw of them, but this morning we were at Wal-Mart, and I had just gotten out of the car, and I noticed a car that had pulled in behind us. The crazy part was that I recognized the driver and passenger! It was the same young couple that I had taught in North Platte, and we just happened to be in the same place at the same time. We were able to get their address, and they expressed that they would like us to start coming by again! It was an awesome miracle and answer to our prayers to always be in the right places at the right times. I know that Heavenly Father has His hand in this work, and he will always lead us to those who are prepared.

This work is so much fun. I have been learning a lot about the Savior, I started a study recently going through scripture suggestions in PMG that all testify about the Savior, and I asked the question, "What does the Book of Mormon teach about Jesus Christ." It has been the most influential study I have ever done, and I have only done it for 2 days now. I would invite each of you to try it out. The list of chapters can be found at the beginning of the Plan of Salvation section. I testify that the Savior lives today and that He loves us. He always welcomes us with open arms no matter where we have been, or what we have done. I testify of the sanctifying and enabling effect of the Jesus Christs Atoning sacrifice. He is the Healer, and the Prince of Peace. I bear witness of the reality of his divinity, I know that His gospel is in its fullness on the Earth, and that it its the pathway to eternal life. I love the gospel, and I love being a missionary. I love all of you, thank you for all of your support and well wishes. I hope you have a great week! Keep an eye out for tender mercies!! 
Elder Kirby

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