Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Hello everyone, just a little note for you all, our mission has been approved for Facebook, so we will be able to use it for prostelyting purposes. Unfortunately I couldn't access my account from home, so I have created a new page. Feel free to add me as a friend, but please note that if you send me a message, I will not respond, all communication will still be through email. Also if you post or tag me in anything innapropriate, I will have to unfollow you. I am looking forward to using this great tool that Heavenly Father has prepared for us in these days. And I would encourage each of you to look for ways in which you can use your devices to further our Heavenly Fathers work.

This week was a great week, full of fun lessons and lots of finding. This week we have been able to help a couple of our investigators progress. We took one

to the trail center this week for a tour, and it went great! We were able to teach him afterwards and set him for a baptism date! Another awesome miracle from this week; a recent converts mom was admitted to the hospital, so we went up to visit them, and we were able to show her the gospel library app, because she had shown interest in learning about the gospel, but we hadn't been able to teach her. So we pulled it up on our phones and gave her a brief description about what it does, and some of the different features that it has. We also took advantage of the opportunity we had to teach the restoration ! It was awesome, because while we were showing her the different features, we taught the restoration! She loved it, and accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon and invitation to read and pray! We were pretty excited to start teaching her! Apartment inspections were this week as well, so we spent a little time cleaning so that we could pass lol. Elder Clayton even cleaned the drip pans on our stove. However it was not good enough for Sister Hafen. But we still sweet talked her into letting us pass...and also giving is a bag of "inspection cookies"
Thursday we had our Zone Training meeting, but because of the weather conditions, we had to shuttle everyone in on the transfer van, and in the senior couples cars. We spent basically the whole day there for training and interviews with President Gardner. All in all we spent about 7 hours at the mission office. We received a lot of great training, and they also cooked ribs for is!

Elder Clayton and Donohue and myself are having a lot of fun together! Being on a trio is the life. Anyhow, the rest of the week was good, we are continuing to work hard and we are having a ton of fun! More to come next week! I love you all! Thank you for your support and prayers!
Elder Kirby
Jacob 6:5

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