Monday, February 12, 2018

Good things

Hello Everyone,

This week was awesome, we saw some really cool miracles this week, in finding new investigators, and also in contacting some former investigators who are now prepared for the gospel! On exchanges this week, I went with Elder Parker, and we decided to go to an apartment complex to visit some of our investigators. As we walked out the back door leading to the outside, we saw a man sitting on the stairs, so we sat down by him and began to teach him the restoration. Shortly after, a lady pulled up who happened to be his wife. She got out and said "whats up mormons" she later explained that missionaries used to come by her house when she was younger! She then invited us into their apartment. Once we were inside, we were accompanied by about four more people. So we taught them all the restoration! One of the men who was there was listening really intently, and afterward went off about how he believed that our message was true! We later found out that he used to meet with missionaries in Eagle Run quite often, and was close to being baptized. He told us that he knew God sent us to him that day, and that his desire to be baptized was renewed. I just thought it was a really cool tender mercy to be led by the Lord to be in the right place at the right time. In that same apartment complex, there is a family that are members of the church, and they have a friend living with them, who has two kids who are 13 and 10. We were able to connect with the two mothers on Facebook, and we have been able to keep closer contact with them. That led to them coming to a ward activity this week, and also listening to the Book of Mormon daily. At the ward activity, we went on a church tour just after, and when we were standing in the chapel, the 13 year old girl asked me if our church "saved" people. It provided an awesome opportunity to talk about baptism and the sacrament, she then expressed that she wanted to be baptized. It was definately a tender mercy from the Lord as well. And finally, just another small miracle that happened; we have been teaching a lady who is a single mom, and very active in her own church, due to her busy schedule we havent been able to see her for quite some time, but out of no where she texted us today with an update on how she was doing! It was awesome, and we are looking forward to utilizing technology to be able to communicate with her despite her busy schedule. Overall this week was amazing, and we are looking forward to more good things! Thank you for all that you do, I love you!

Elder Kirby

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