Monday, February 19, 2018

know it and love it

Hello from Nebraska!

This week was yet again an awesome week! We had a lot of great things happening, and were able to teach some amazing people, and see some awesome miracles! First things first, I had an exchange with Elder Brinkerhoff this week! it was so much fun, and good to be back with a good buddy. We saw some awesome miracles and worked really hard. My favorite was when we were at an apartment complex, and we couldn't figure out for the life of us how to get to the third floor. After some experimenting and exploring, we found our way to the top! And upon arriving, we knocked on the door of a sweet lady, who we were able to teach and set her for baptism. When we asked her to be baptized she said "yes...where?" it was pretty awesome! We also saw another cool miracle as we were finding in Carter Lake,  Iowa. We were getting ready to go and try an investigator, and we saw a couple of people talking, so we decided that we were going to go and talk with them. As we were walking across the street, she yelled " Hey Mormons!" So we were like sweet she knows us. Upon talking with her we found out that she had met with missionaries about 20 years ago. And that in that time she had read the entire Book of Mormon in a week! She told us that she didn't have much time to talk, so I asked her if we could share a 4 minute video about the restoration of the gospel. She accepted, and what started as a short video, turned into a 45 minute lesson. It was so amazing to be able to teach her according to her needs. It was truly a miracle. We also had a great lesson with R&S this week at the trail center. She is doing great, and is coming to church and loving it. We also had an exchange with the other Fontenelle Elders. I went with Elder Fullmer, who is a district leader in our zone, and we had a blast. We met a guy who sells grills and tatoos. We got to teach him! It was pretty legendary. Overall, it was a great week full of lots of fun memories, and amazing miracles. I am loving my time here, and I am grateful for every day I get to serve Heavenly Father. This is truly His work, I know it, and I love it. Hope you all have a great week! Thank you for all of your support and prayers!

Love Elder Kirby

 No idea.
 thug life
 Discs for decoration

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