Wednesday, February 28, 2018

freezing rain

Hello Everyone!!
It was yet again another amazing week this week in Omaha! Aside from the freezing rain, everything seems to be heating up! We saw some pretty significant and amazing miracles this week! We also had interviews and district meetings this week! It was awesome! This week we saw the hand of the Lord in so many ways. Our seatbelt on the driver side broke this week, and we couldnt buckle up, so we didn't really know what to do, as we were sitting in the car trying to figure out how we were going to get to our appointments that day, a line from a song came to my mind "did you think to pray?" I was like I mentioned it to my compaions and we said a short prayer asking Heavely Father for help. After the prayer Elder Donohue feldt impressed to take off the panel by the seatbelt and see if we could maybe see what was causing the issue. We did, and I reached my hand down inside to try and jiggle the mechanism, and I barely even touched it and Elder Donohue gave it a pull, and somehow it came unstuck! And it worked perfectly. It was pretty sweet, because previously we had pulled and tugged as hard as we could for about ten minutes...really awesome tender mercy. And then this week during our weekly planning session, as we were talking about one of our investigators who we hadn't been able to teach or really contact for about 55 days, we felt impressed to have a special fast for her this sunday, for a chance to have a meaningful spiritual experience with her. So sunday came, and we fasted, and as we were planning in the morning, I felt impressed to try her right after dinner. So we booked it over to her house after dinner, and as we pulled up we saw her and her husband outside!! So we prayed and jumped out of the car, and contacted them. They invited us inside for a lesson, where we were able to teach their whole family the message of the Restoration. it was really awesome to see the Lord answer our prayer, and place us where we needed to be. Lastly probably one of the coolest experiences of my mission happened last night as well. Again, we felt impressed to go to some new investigators houses at the close of our evening. We pulled up to the street. and got out. We tried their house,  and had no success. So we went next door, and again had no success. So we began to walk down the street to one of our other investigators house, and on the way I felt impressed to knock on a door. So I did, and oddly enough no one answered. Ready to move on, we exited the porch and saw a lady standing outside on the phone. We approched her, and started to talk with her. She wasn't really to interested, but as I looked around I noticed a man walking down the street. I stopped him, and asked if we could give him a card, he accepted but explained that he had to keep walking. So I asked if we could walk with him a little ways. He agreed, and we started off. I asked him some questions about his life and about his beliefs, and he went off explaining about the hard times he was facing, and how it had been a large burden for him. We got to the corner of the street, and he stopped, looked at us, and said "I was walking down this street feeling alone, and then you showed up and gave me a moment of clarity. And now im not alone." I was amazed, and then he continued saying "the street I was supposed to be on is one street over, but for some reason God put me here, and I know it was to talk to you guys. If nothing else, you accomplished your purpose by talking to me."  It was so amazing, and so touching to listen to this man thank us and Heavenly Father for just those few minutes of walking down the street. We got his address and gave him a copy of the Book of Moromon and he departed. As he left, I couldn't help but look up into the sky and smile. I knew why we were on that street. I know that the Lord is so aware of us in our individual circumstances. He hears us, he love us, and he will always lead us to the light. I hope you all have an amazing week, thank you for your sacrifice and support. I love you.
Elder Kirby
 Alma 26:37

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