Monday, February 5, 2018


Hello everyone!

This week was a fast and great week! We were able to get a lot done, and had a lot of fun in the process! It wasnt too cold this week, so we got to go out and talk to a bunch of people! We had a great zone conference to! We learned so much about how we can use our phones more productively. Overall it was awesome, but the highlight of my week was definitely continuing my study of the Savior. It has completely changed my life, it was interesting to read from Jesus the Christ about the Saviors trial. Everything about it was completely unfair, but an important lesson can be learned from it, We know that the Savior literally suffered for everything. All of our pains, afflictions, and temptations; he was also judged with the most unrighteous judgement imaginable so that when the end comes, he can judge us with a righteous judgement. I love just the little insights we can gain everyday from our studies. I love my Savior so much, and i am so thankful that he was willing to go all the way for us, so that we could have the strength to go all the way for him. I am loving my mission so much. Most of all, i am thankful for the changes its helped me make, and who i have become because of it. I have never felt closer to the Savior, and i am excited to continue to learn about him! Anyhow, our investigators are doing great, we had to move our investigators date to next week, because we werent able to see her this week. But we did have the opportunity to find a few new investigators, as well as contact a lot of referrals! It was really fun! I am loving Nebraska so much, and especially this ward, almost everyone in our ward is from Idaho! I am excited for the next few months! Thanks for all that you do! I love you!

Elder Kirby

D&C 121: 7-9

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