Monday, March 26, 2018


Hello Everyone,

Yet another great week here in Omaha! We had a lot of great things happen this week, it flew by way too fast. The title to my weekly comes from a recent convert named Larry. We called him to set up an appointment, and I was speaking, and he said "oh elder Kirby..young man alone.." and I said "what?" and Larry said " oh thats your indian name, it just kinda came out." It was pretty funny, so that is now my indian name according to Larry. Anyhow, we had our zone training meeting this week, and it went really well, it was a lot of fun to get to teach and give a training on the Fourth missionary! There are a lot of great Elders and Sisters in our zone, and it has been a blessing to work with them. Things here in Fontenelle have been going well, we did a double exchange this week with the Fontenelle Elders and the Winter Quarters Elders, so we were busy to say the least. However we saw an awesome miracle, Elder Aye Kyi and I decided that we wanted to go finding in downtown Omaha, so that we could do some contacting using the Book of Mormon. Well we had quite the time trying to find a parking spot where we didnt have to pay for a meter, and when we did, it was probably a quarter mile away from where we wanted to proselyte, so we decided to just walk and find people along the way. Well as we started getting into the city area, we were talking to people, and I noticed an African American man sitting on the corner at the end of the block. We worked our way towards him talking to people along the way, and eventually we reached him. We introduced ourselves, and then he said to us: "I havent been on this street but five minutes, and then I saw you guys walking up passing out cards, and I knew it was a sign from God."  he continued on to tell us that he recently had a close associate pass away, and that it was really bothering him. We got to teach and testify about the Plan of Salvation, and bring him comfort. Later we came to find out that he had actually been to our church!! he dated a member for a while, and came out to church. So that was also another awesome tender mercy! We gave him a Book of Mormon, and got his phone number and address! Hopefully we will be able to contact him here soon! The Lord always guides us to the right places at the right times, we just have to be willing to open our mouths! The rest of the week was good too, we got to meet with some less actives in the ward, and have some great lessons with them! The work is going well, we are basically starting fresh with investigators, because some just weren't ready to progress at this time. So we are going to have a blast. This area is straight cash. Speaking of cash, I found about $1.26 on the streets one day. Anyhow, it was a great week full of lots of fun times, and cool miracles. I am loving every second of my mission, and am looking forward to the next few weeks! Anyhow, as general conference approaches, I would invite each of you to keep in mind the importance of this week leading up to Easter. In this week, the Savior was welcomed into Jerusalem with throngs of cheering people waving palm boughs at his entrance. He was arrested and condemned on spurious charges. He suffered in the garden of Gethsemane. He instituted the sacrament. He was crucified, and laid in a tomb. He rose from the grave and became the first of them that slept. I testify that all of those events were real. They happened. And because the Savior rose from the grave, we can too. I would invite each of you to ponder the statement: Because Christ rose, what can you do? I testify that as we turn to Him every day, we will find peace and fulfillment in every aspect of our lives. He is the master, and the turner of the wheel. And He wants each of us to come to him and partake of eternal life, and buy milk and honey without price. I bear testimony that His sacrifice is infinite. The peace that it brings is also infinite. Come unto him, and I promise that any wounds or scars can be healed. Our broken pieces can be mended, and our lives can be changed. I love my Savior, and my Heavenly Father very much, and I am grateful for this chance I have to serve them. I am grateful for the sacrifices that are made by each of you on my behalf. My prayers are always with you. I love you all! Have a great week!


Elder Kirby

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Hello from the Cornhusker state!! 

This week was another inspiring and hope filled week. We were able to teach a lot of our great investigators, and see some awesome help from the ward, and also Heavenly Father blessed us with a ton of miracles. First off, our investigator Dee recently took in her 3 month old grandson due to some complications with his parents. When Dee got him, he didnt have any clothes or food or anything for such a small baby! So we sent a text to an amazing sister in our ward, in effort to try and get her a few items to help her out. After a few days, we got a phone call from this sister, and she was in tears as she explained that the amount of stuff that was donated could barely fit in her van. There was everything from specific formulas, diapers, toys, and enough clothes to last him until he is 2 years old. I was overcome with gratitude for the love that was expressed by the outstanding members here. I know that it was an answer to not only our prayers, but Dee  as well. We also found out this week that  Dees niece was actually a member of the church but passed away in 2008. Dee Dee was reading her obituary when we went over this week, and during the lesson told us that she felt that she was being led to our church by her niece. It was a testimony that there is help on both sides of the veil. She also attended church yesterday, and was excited to come back! She is so amazing, and I am excited for her and her progress in the gospel. Another great miracle we saw happened last night. I was awesome because as a mission we have been focusing on how powerful the Book of Mormon is in answering questions and clarifying doctrine, so last night was especailly cool for that reason.   We were walking down the street, and I noticed this man who was walking by himself, and something popped into my head to just talk with him, so iIhollered at him down the road, and he stopped and turned around. We caught up to him, and began to talk with him about his life. And then I asked him "if you could ask Heavenly Father any question what would it be?" He paused, and after some thought answered " I would ask Him what my purpose is, whats the purpose of life?" I was thrilled, because that is one of the great questions of the soul that the Book of Mormon answers, I quickly turned to Alma 34 and read about how this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God. And bore my testimony about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was awesome, and I am so thankful for the scriptures, and for Presidents counsel to study the questions of the soul. They are real and people really have them! This 21 year old man accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon, and an appointment to meet with us again! Heavenly Father truly is involved in every single one of our lives, and I know that he always provides answers to our questions, and most often they are found withing the pages of the Book of Mormon! 

We went on Exchanges with the Assistants this week, which means I got to be with my best bud Elder Brinkerhoff!! It was a legendary exchange as always! I love working with him! Anyhow, it was yet again another great week here in Omaha. I am looking forward to this coming week! I would invite each of you to ponder the questions of your soul, and then to turn to the Book of Mormon for answers, I testify that as you do, you will find the answers you are looking for, and your testimony of the Savior and Heavenly Father will increase. I love you all, and am so thankful for all that you do! have a great week! I love you!

Elder Kirby

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Hello from semi warm Nebraska!

This week was legit as far as work goes, we were able to see so many amazing miracles, and have a lot of fun in the process! We spent a lot of time finding this week, It was transfer week, so there were some changes in the zone, and we lost some great missionaries, but we also picked up some equally as awesome missionaries! Its exciting! Spring is so here and i am hyped about it! Because literally the streets are crawling with people who need the gospel. We have talked to some pretty sweet people, one of the miracles we saw this week went like this:   We were walking down the road, and i said a prayer in my heart asking Heavenly Father for eyes to see tender mercies, and sure enough, we ran into a young mother, who was just on her way inside, and we got to talk with her. Elder Donohue asked her if she would like to try an experiment, in which she could open the Book of Mormon to any page and see how it testifies of Jesus Christ. She agreed and accepted the copy and flipped somewhere in Alma. As she read, her eyes teared up slightly, and then She expressed that what she had read was an answer to her prayers. She promptly accepted a Book of Mormon, and a return appointment. It was amazing, and i know that it was an answer to my prayers. We also met some more amazing people this week, and were able to meet with investigators who we havent gotten to see for a while now! And we had some amazing lessons! I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers, and he is aware of each of the situations we face. His comfort will come, i know it. It might not be immediately, but it will come. Keep having faith in Jesus Christ, I know that our faith in Him and His atonement will indeed change our lives. It has changed mine so much. And for that reason, i love my mission so much more than words can describe. Anyhow, i hope that you all have a great week and continue to feast on the scriptures. Share the gospel with everyone. It will change you! I love you all and hope that you have an amazing week!
a quote for the week: " once we see inside ourselves, and love us for who we are, we begin to see the gems of our personality"
Love Elder Kirby

Monday, March 5, 2018


Hello everyone!
Another great week here in Omaha! The weather finallly let up, and we had a couple of days in the upper 50s and low 60s! It made for some great finding time! We found a couple of new investigators this week, and we began teaching them! One of them actually came to church this sunday! Her name is Dee Dee, and she is the sweetest lady in the world! We are excited to keep teaching her! She told us that she would be back next sunday! We also had a bunch of refferals this week from people who reffered themselves over! It was so awesome! We also had MLC this week, and it was aawseoms as always! President Gardner gave an awesome trainng about the Book of Mormon, and invited us to do a study to find all the the diffferent wasys the Book of Mormon: Clarifies teachings  in  the Bible, Reveals new concepts of information, stands as a witness of Christ, and refutes various myths. It has been really exciting and fun to look at all of the different ways that the Book of Mormon can help us in our lives. It truly is another testament of Jesus Christ. I know it and i love it! Lots of awesome things are happening across the mission. For the first time in 3 years, as a mission we had 17 people get baptized. In one weekend. One of which  was an awesome lady i taught in North Platte! Speaking of, i also found out yesterday that a man Elder Buxton and I taught while in Papillion was baptized a little while ago, and since has recieved the Aaronic Priesthood, has been to the temple, has a calling as a priest quorum advisor, and is currently preparing for the Melchizedek Priesthood! It was an awesome miracle to me. I saw him yesterday, and got to take a picture with him! It is so cool! The Lord is definately blessing us! Anyhow, this week was awesome, and I am truly grateful to be in the service of my Heavenly Father. I love Him, and I know that he lives. I love this gospel, and I am forever grateful for the change that it has wrought in my life. I know it has the power to change anyones heart if they are willing to turn to Him. I hope everyone has a great week, you are all in my prayers! Love ya!

Elder Kirby