Thursday, March 22, 2018


Hello from the Cornhusker state!! 

This week was another inspiring and hope filled week. We were able to teach a lot of our great investigators, and see some awesome help from the ward, and also Heavenly Father blessed us with a ton of miracles. First off, our investigator Dee recently took in her 3 month old grandson due to some complications with his parents. When Dee got him, he didnt have any clothes or food or anything for such a small baby! So we sent a text to an amazing sister in our ward, in effort to try and get her a few items to help her out. After a few days, we got a phone call from this sister, and she was in tears as she explained that the amount of stuff that was donated could barely fit in her van. There was everything from specific formulas, diapers, toys, and enough clothes to last him until he is 2 years old. I was overcome with gratitude for the love that was expressed by the outstanding members here. I know that it was an answer to not only our prayers, but Dee  as well. We also found out this week that  Dees niece was actually a member of the church but passed away in 2008. Dee Dee was reading her obituary when we went over this week, and during the lesson told us that she felt that she was being led to our church by her niece. It was a testimony that there is help on both sides of the veil. She also attended church yesterday, and was excited to come back! She is so amazing, and I am excited for her and her progress in the gospel. Another great miracle we saw happened last night. I was awesome because as a mission we have been focusing on how powerful the Book of Mormon is in answering questions and clarifying doctrine, so last night was especailly cool for that reason.   We were walking down the street, and I noticed this man who was walking by himself, and something popped into my head to just talk with him, so iIhollered at him down the road, and he stopped and turned around. We caught up to him, and began to talk with him about his life. And then I asked him "if you could ask Heavenly Father any question what would it be?" He paused, and after some thought answered " I would ask Him what my purpose is, whats the purpose of life?" I was thrilled, because that is one of the great questions of the soul that the Book of Mormon answers, I quickly turned to Alma 34 and read about how this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God. And bore my testimony about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was awesome, and I am so thankful for the scriptures, and for Presidents counsel to study the questions of the soul. They are real and people really have them! This 21 year old man accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon, and an appointment to meet with us again! Heavenly Father truly is involved in every single one of our lives, and I know that he always provides answers to our questions, and most often they are found withing the pages of the Book of Mormon! 

We went on Exchanges with the Assistants this week, which means I got to be with my best bud Elder Brinkerhoff!! It was a legendary exchange as always! I love working with him! Anyhow, it was yet again another great week here in Omaha. I am looking forward to this coming week! I would invite each of you to ponder the questions of your soul, and then to turn to the Book of Mormon for answers, I testify that as you do, you will find the answers you are looking for, and your testimony of the Savior and Heavenly Father will increase. I love you all, and am so thankful for all that you do! have a great week! I love you!

Elder Kirby

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