Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Hello from semi warm Nebraska!

This week was legit as far as work goes, we were able to see so many amazing miracles, and have a lot of fun in the process! We spent a lot of time finding this week, It was transfer week, so there were some changes in the zone, and we lost some great missionaries, but we also picked up some equally as awesome missionaries! Its exciting! Spring is so here and i am hyped about it! Because literally the streets are crawling with people who need the gospel. We have talked to some pretty sweet people, one of the miracles we saw this week went like this:   We were walking down the road, and i said a prayer in my heart asking Heavenly Father for eyes to see tender mercies, and sure enough, we ran into a young mother, who was just on her way inside, and we got to talk with her. Elder Donohue asked her if she would like to try an experiment, in which she could open the Book of Mormon to any page and see how it testifies of Jesus Christ. She agreed and accepted the copy and flipped somewhere in Alma. As she read, her eyes teared up slightly, and then She expressed that what she had read was an answer to her prayers. She promptly accepted a Book of Mormon, and a return appointment. It was amazing, and i know that it was an answer to my prayers. We also met some more amazing people this week, and were able to meet with investigators who we havent gotten to see for a while now! And we had some amazing lessons! I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers, and he is aware of each of the situations we face. His comfort will come, i know it. It might not be immediately, but it will come. Keep having faith in Jesus Christ, I know that our faith in Him and His atonement will indeed change our lives. It has changed mine so much. And for that reason, i love my mission so much more than words can describe. Anyhow, i hope that you all have a great week and continue to feast on the scriptures. Share the gospel with everyone. It will change you! I love you all and hope that you have an amazing week!
a quote for the week: " once we see inside ourselves, and love us for who we are, we begin to see the gems of our personality"
Love Elder Kirby

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