Monday, March 5, 2018


Hello everyone!
Another great week here in Omaha! The weather finallly let up, and we had a couple of days in the upper 50s and low 60s! It made for some great finding time! We found a couple of new investigators this week, and we began teaching them! One of them actually came to church this sunday! Her name is Dee Dee, and she is the sweetest lady in the world! We are excited to keep teaching her! She told us that she would be back next sunday! We also had a bunch of refferals this week from people who reffered themselves over! It was so awesome! We also had MLC this week, and it was aawseoms as always! President Gardner gave an awesome trainng about the Book of Mormon, and invited us to do a study to find all the the diffferent wasys the Book of Mormon: Clarifies teachings  in  the Bible, Reveals new concepts of information, stands as a witness of Christ, and refutes various myths. It has been really exciting and fun to look at all of the different ways that the Book of Mormon can help us in our lives. It truly is another testament of Jesus Christ. I know it and i love it! Lots of awesome things are happening across the mission. For the first time in 3 years, as a mission we had 17 people get baptized. In one weekend. One of which  was an awesome lady i taught in North Platte! Speaking of, i also found out yesterday that a man Elder Buxton and I taught while in Papillion was baptized a little while ago, and since has recieved the Aaronic Priesthood, has been to the temple, has a calling as a priest quorum advisor, and is currently preparing for the Melchizedek Priesthood! It was an awesome miracle to me. I saw him yesterday, and got to take a picture with him! It is so cool! The Lord is definately blessing us! Anyhow, this week was awesome, and I am truly grateful to be in the service of my Heavenly Father. I love Him, and I know that he lives. I love this gospel, and I am forever grateful for the change that it has wrought in my life. I know it has the power to change anyones heart if they are willing to turn to Him. I hope everyone has a great week, you are all in my prayers! Love ya!

Elder Kirby

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