Monday, April 16, 2018

transfer week

Hello everyone!

Yet another great week here in the cornhusker state. Well we got the fullness of the typical weather here... one day it was 70 degrees. Aaaaannnndd the next day we had a blizzard haha. It was pretty funny, kinda made it hard to get investigators to church, but hey we had a lot of fun! This week was amazing, we saw some cool miracles with our investigators. Lisa, when we followed up with her was the biggest one by far. This is about how the conversation went. "hey Lisa, its the Elders, we just wanted to follow up on your reading and see how smoking was going?" "oh its good, im in the second chapter of the second book. And ive only smoked three today"....I responded with "wait what? youre in second nephi chapter two??" It was so sweet, because last we had checked about two days before, she was only in 1st Nephi chapter five! So that was sweet! She is so awesome, in our lesson about the word of wisdom this week, she told us that her baptism is her biggest motivation. Then she wrote her commitment to stop smoking by the 27th and signed it with her name. Our other investigators are doing well too, we have a lot of great people who are progressing really well. The Lord is truly blessing us so much. Unfortunately this week is transfer week, and we received news this morning. Like is anticipated, i am staying in Fontenelle for another one! The sad news is that Elder Donohue is going home, and Elder Wangsgaard is being transferred to the Eagle Run ward! Which is still in our zone, so that is awesome! Also Elder Brinkerhoff is being transferred to my Zone and will be a district leader! So that means we get to go on exchanges!! I was really excited. I am getting two new companions. Elder Fullmer who was already serving in the Fontenelle ward as a Karen Elder is  coming up to english to be a Zone Leader with me! And we are also getting Elder Ombach who is coming in from Hastings NE. It should be a fun transfer, and probably the next two! Im sad to see Elder Donohue leave, we have become really close friends these last three transfers. He will do good at home though. Anyhow, things are going well here, we are having a lot of fun finding and teaching. I appreciate all of your well wishes, and your prayers, they are definitely felt. Thank you for all that you do, i hope you all have a great week! 

Love Elder Kirby

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