Monday, April 2, 2018


Happy Easter! 

What a wonderful general conference it was! Definitely one for the books for sure! How grateful I am for modern day prophets. I had an overwhelming witness as we participated in the solemn assemble that those called as apostles, and President Russell M. Nelson were indeed called of God. I know that with my whole heart and bear testimony that it is true. I am so excited for the changes made and the temples announced. We are looking at great and marvelous things to come forth in the coming years I am sure. I echo the words of Jeffery R Holland. "what a prophet."

This week was a great week here in the great state of Nebraska, the weather is still trying to make up its mind, but overall it was a good week. The biggest highlight of the week was MLC. President Gardner gave an amazing training all about the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Restoration. Again the Holy Ghost bore witness to me that he and is a prophet of God. How grateful I am for the sacrifices he made, and the persecution that he faced to bring about this great and marvelous work. 
We also were taught a lot of awesome new ways to introduce the Book of Mormon to people, and we are looking forward to doing some role plays at Zone Conference this week! Speaking of....It is time for ZONE OLYMPICS!! I have done absolutely minimal training this year, so unless there is a doughnut eating contest, I'm not expecting much. But we are getting the zone hyped, to bring home a gold! Anyhow should be fun! 

Overall, things are going well here, we had a really busy week full of interviews meetings and some finding. We had some investigators drop off because they just werent ready to progress. So this week we are looking forward to doing a lot of awesome finding. Also another really amazing experience that we had that i failed to mention, this morning we go the opportunity to assist in cleaning the temple! So i got to spend all morning with our sweet temple president and his wife cleaning the Lords house. It was such an amazing and joyful experience. I loved every second of it. I am so thankful to be assisting in so many different phases of the work. I am loving every second of my mission. I am so excited for this coming week, and invite all of you to heed the prophets call! I love you and thank you for all of your support. Have an amazing week. 

Elder Kirby

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