Thursday, April 26, 2018

short but sweet

Hello Everyone,
Another amazing week in the 402, we had an interesting week due to transfers, I got two new companions. That means its my 4th transfer in a trio! I love it! My new comps are pretty sweet, Elder Fullmer is the man, he is from Mead Washington, and we get along really well. He is a hard worker, and really fun to be around. He also is a wrestler, so that is a bonus! Elder Ombach is from Roy Utah, and he is awesome as well, he is an awesome artist, and is pretty funny. We all make a good team, and we have been working hard this past week. We have been teaching Lisa, and we saw her again yesterday, and taught her about Keeping the Sabbath day holy, it was another powerful lesson. She is so prepared, and wants to be baptized so bad. She is down to her last few packs, and she said that she is ready to quit! She is also past Jacob in the Book of Mormon, and she accredits all of her success quitting smoking to her reading. It is so cool to experience first hand the power that the Book of Mormon carries. I know that it is true. I gave a training this week on our zone conference call, about ministering to the one, I compared it to fly fishing, and today all of the Elders in the zone got fish hook tie clips. We are also planning on making some sweet T shirts for everyone! Its looking like it will be yet again another amazing transfer. I am really excited for all of the people that we are working with. Plus the weather is beautiful now, we played a fun round of disc golf for P day today. It was good to get out and throw again. Anyhow, I hope that you all have a great week. I love and appreciate you all! 

Love Elder Kirby

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