Monday, April 16, 2018


Hey guys, so they are letting me send you an email to let you know im alive! so the MTC is awesome and i love it here already! everyone is so nice! i already almost knocked a picture off a wall haha! anyhow i have to go now, still haven't met my companion but i will keep you updated! love you all so much!
Elder Kirby


It has seriously been a jam packed week here at the MTC from blessing to lessons and 16 hour days, the lords work is going forth powerfully. I am having the time of my life! i love my companion Elder Russell who is a 6 foot 2 basketball star from Ogden! We are seriously the dream team of the MTC! i miss you all so much and i hope you are all doing well! i just want you to know that i love it here and i love the heck out of my mission! also i love all you! so a couple quick stories, A sister in my district suffers from anxiety and had a panic attack during class one day. My teacher at the time (sister Greenal) came up and asked if two Elders would give sister Fox a blessing. Me and Elder Smith who is a big teddy bear looking elder raised our hands and went downstairs to give a blessing. So we anointed sister fox with oil and i proceeded to give the blessing. It was so awesome and the spirit was so strong. The best part of the story was that 3 hours earlier, i had a prompting to consecrate the oil in my vial. not knowing of the blessing that was needed.. i know that the savior prepares us for the work! and also the spirit works in mysterious ways. 
 The next story happened yesterday when we had the opportunity to teach "investigators" at the TRC. Which is a place where we practice setting appointments and teaching actors, or even real investigators. (we don't know the difference) We have two investigators and one Austin is going to take a lot of work, but i know the lord will prepare him. The second and honestly my favorite is Barulio Gonzalez who lived in Lima Peru and who is now here for work and school. He is such a happy and amazing young man. So me and Elder Russel went in and i began teaching of the Fathers love for him, and the power of the book of Mormon. The spirit literally flooded the room and things got very serious, as i shared personal experiences of the Fathers love for me and expressed the importance of prayer, the world disappeared and the only thing that mattered was my love for Barulio and i could feel the love that Heavenly Father had for him. We continued talking and i expressed this love to him. it was as if i weren't even in my own body. Never before have i taught anything with as much power and conviction. i KNEW that God had sent this man for me and prepared his heart for me. i felt a prompting. I acted. we then were able to commit Barulio to follow the example of the savior and be baptized by someone holding the authority from God. simply amazing. We then had to leave, but he is reading the BOM and he is praying. I loved it. i was truly an instrument in the hands of my loving Heavenly Father. I know this is the work of God. He knows us all and i testify that to you. As each of you read this message, i invite you to pray and know of the truthfulness of this glorious gospel. I am here for a reason and i know it and God knows it, and this i cannot deny. I love each and every one of you and i pray for you everyday. Your letters and prayers keep me going.

So the food here is awesome and i now weigh 149.9 haha its sooooo good! also i forgot to mention my room mates who are all going to NE with us! My white haired buddy Elder Brinkerhoff is a small town rancher from southern Utah. and is companion Elder Gathercoal is an awesome kid from Spanish fork Utah, we are all really close and its so cool! they are like my brothers. We all work very hard out here and is flippin awesome. I actually have my own quote i came up with yesterday....."commit then teach"...commit them to baptism then teach hahaha its totally a joke, but it works. You should all read the Doctrine and Covenants because its an inspired book that has already helped me teach lots. 

I love you all so much and I'm looking forward to writing you again! love you guys!

Elder Kirby

Momma! And Family! I'm so happy to hear from you all! I got all your packages! Please send the stuff to the MTC I need it pretty quick! Thank you very much! This week was a blast I got to hear from Bednar when he made a surprise visit to the MTC. He only come twice a year and I got to hear from him!! Other than that it has been pretty normal, I'm loving it here and I love the MTC its so much fun! Everything I am learning is going to help me so much in my life. I miss all of you guys like crazy and I love you all! I saw Chresten and took some pics with him! and Elder Balls! He is great! So I got my flight plan, I leave the MTC at 2:30a.m. and fly out of Salt Lake at around 5:30. We fly to Minnesota and then to Omaha where I will spend three days at the mission home! I just want you guys to know that I know this is the true work and I am so happy to serve the Lord! The temple is absolutely beautiful and I am so excited to go again today! I am doing well and having a blast! We got two new investigators, and I don't know much about them, but I know that they will be awesome! Thank you for everything I appreciate you guys so much! love you all! More to come next week! Read 2nd Nephi and all of D&C they are awesome! Anyhow love you!
Elder Kirby

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