Monday, May 1, 2017


Well this week started out much like the last, we found another hole in the wall restaurant down town. It was awesome! It was quite the bland and  grey. Nothing but rain and more rain. However, nothing can stop the work from progressing, not even the weather.

We met some really cool people this week, and found some really sweet investigators, one of them being a Russian guy named Vladimir. He says that God led him to America, and that the KGB has tried to kill him multiple is pretty legendary. He also lives in a huge was so awesome! We also had a really good lesson with our other investigator , we taught her about faith, and promised her that if she excercised her faith and came to church Heavenly Father would provide a way for her to make it. Sadly, she didn't show this sunday, but her son is now interested in learning more about the gospel, so we are teaching both of them now. We also had an interesting lesson with another investigator. She is from Sudan and really only speaks Arabic. Well we can't get a translator, so I was like well looks like we are gonna wing it then and I asked if her daughter could pull up google translate, and we answered some of her questions by typing them into the phone. It was one of the most interesting experiences of my life! I felt the spirit so strong, even though there were hardly any words said. I love this work. Nothing will stop it from progressing. Where there is a will, God provides the way! What a wonderful work to be engaged in, Nothing brings me more happiness than waking up and spreading the gospel! OH also we have an investigator whos name is John... and it just so happens that John shot the #4 largest white tail in the state of Nebraska. I love teaching him. He is awesome.

Other than that, nothing else too crazy yet. Elder Stokes and I are working our butts off every day, and having a ton of fun! We are looking forward to a good week with hopefully a little more sunshine. Nevertheless, I am pumped either way! Keep smiling and have an amazing week. You only get to live one day at a time.. you might as well smile. Love you all.

Love, Elder Kirby

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