Monday, May 8, 2017

10 months

Hello again, it appears that the tides have changed, because this week was HOT. Summer is coming so fast I cannot believe that I have been out 10 months already. That is so crazy. Time is going by way to fast.

This week was a really good week full of really powerful lessons. We saw a ton of miracles this week. One of my favorites I will share: Elder Stokes and I were trying some of our investigators in an apartment complex, and we knocked on one of their doors, and received no answer, so for some reason I just headed back to the car. Well I got in and started off, and slammed on the brakes because I realized that we still had people to talk to there. So we get out of the car, and I notice a lady smoking on her porch, the spirit told me to talk with her, so we went over and I gave her a card. She told us that her friend needed to hear our message of hope, and peace. She then sent us to her friends car who was just across the lawn. We set up an appointment with her for later that night, and headed off to her friends car. We approached this young woman sitting in her car, and I introduced myself, and told her about our message, her face when we walked up and gave her a card about Jesus was priceless. We were able to teach her a lesson while we were standing in the pouring rain, we got completely soaked, but it was so worth it. We set her for baptism on the 20th and later that evening we set her friend as well. Since then they have both come on a church tour and been taught again.  The girl in the car, expressed to us her desire to be baptized, and change her life. It was just really cool, and such a miracle, because if we wouldn't have got in the car, we wouldn't have noticed the girl standing on her porch, and we never would have met her friend. This work is so amazing, and I am so blessed to be apart of it.

We also had an amazing Zone conferece this week. One of my favorite highlights, was when Elder Haire hit a hawk on the way to Kearny. It was hilarious. But Zone conference was good, we learned a lot about living the doctrine of Christ, and how it is essential in everything we do in this life. I can testify that that is true. We are what we choose to do. When we choose to live the doctrine of Christ, we are choosing to progress and become like our Heavenly Father. And also as we live it, our capacity to love and repent become magnified. The doctrine of Christ is not something we obtain, its what we become.
Elder Stokes and I are doing well also, we are having a ton of fun together! I also love Elder Swaner and Elder Haire, who are the other Trendwood missionaries. They are some of my best friends! We have had some pretty good times, like carrying a piano up 3 flights of stairs. Good times. Anyhow, it was another amazing spirit filled week. Keep smiling, and always strive to live the doctrine of Christ.

Love Elder Kirby

 lovin floral ties
 Trendwood missionaries
 Mtc buddies reunited

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