Tuesday, May 30, 2017

lovin Lincoln

This week was awesome! We started out this week with interviews with President Gardner, and it was amazing, I love being able to learn from him. And always Sister Gardner's cookies were amazing. This week we had the opportunity to do a lot of service. On Wednesday, we helped an investigator family move. We were also on exchanges with out Zone Leaders, so it was Elder Johnson and I. We moved like 3 fridges and tons of heavy furniture. It was awesome. That same day, an inactive guy that we see,  invited us over for breakfast, he said that he makes these huge pancakes and has never seen anyone eat more than one. Well when Elder Johnson and I went over, we challenged him that we would eat 3 if he would give us his cigarettes. So he laughed at us and cooked us these three massive Pancakes. He was also kind enough to add a fried egg, as well as a strip of bacon. As soon as I got my plate I went ham. After many fork fulls of pancake, I finished. and it was in about 15 minutes. James could hardly believe that I ate it all. But he did give us his cigarettes. That was such a good day, Elder Johnson is so much fun! Also one other crazy thing that we discovered is every Friday and Saturday night, on O street, every nice car in Lincoln drags main. Like people line the sides of the road with their families, and watch all the nice cars, race each other and do huge burn outs right on the street. It is pretty loud and crazy. It was pretty cool to see though!
We have been able to teach some of our investigators this week, and it is so awesome to be able to help them progress! I love being a missionary so much!
Yesterday was pretty fun as well, we had to skip emails yesterday because of Memorial day, so that meant that we got to have a long p-day! We played a ton of basket ball, and some disc golf! It was so much fun! Anyhow, we have exchanges today with the other Trendwood Elders! So that will be way fun! We have a lot of fun people we are meeting, and I am excited to talk with more peeps as the weather gets warmer! Thank you for all that you do! I love you!

Elder Kirby 

 Early birthday party!
cake that Elder Beazer made me

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