Monday, May 15, 2017

mothers day

Hello everyone, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! it was so awesome to be able to talk with my fam! This week was amazing, lots of cool things going down here, Elder Stokes and I are seeing some pretty awesome miracles! We were able to teach some pretty sweet lessons this week. This week we had a ton of service, I didn't realize how out of shape I was until I got my hands on a post hole digger for a couple hours. It seriously kicked my butt. It was really nice though!

I do want to share a pretty sweet lesson that we were able to teach this week We are teaching a young man, who is homeless, and 19. Well Elder Haire and I felt impressed to stop by one of our investigators house, well he didn't want to talk with us, well that was ok, because it led us to feel a prompting to go and see Jay. Well we get there, and brother Tuala sits us down and asks us to share a lesson. What insued was one of the most powerful messages of the restoration I have been in. The spirit truly does guide our words, because Elder Haire and I taught in perfect unison. It was an amazing experience. He wants to be baptized, as well as his girlfriend! we were super excited. I cant fully describe how I felt, because I know it was the spirit teaching the lesson not us.

I just have such a strong testimony of the spirit working in our lives. If you think about it, we can do just about anything with the spirit. I can testify that if we pray to increase out spiritual capacity to learn and love, and then live accordingly, we can reach heights that we never thought were possible. We learn and grow at such a rapid rate with the spirit that it is crazy. I love feeling the spirit, especially when I read from the Book of Mormon. It is my favorite. I would invite all to pray and ask for the spirit to teach you every time you begin your day. There is something that Heavenly Father is waiting to teach you everyday, and its your choice whether or not you listen. if you, I promise you will grow. I love this gospel. I know its true, I am thankful for my mother who has taught me so many amazing things about the gospel, I wouldn't be who I am today without her. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to serve, time is way to short. Enjoy every minute of every day. Have a good week, Love Elder Kirby

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