Saturday, May 27, 2017


This week was a great week, a lot of tender mercies from the Lord. At the beginning of the week, it rained. And then it continued to rain for 3 days. But of course, a little rain can't stop us from doing missionary work! Elder Stokes and I trekked it out in the rain for 3 days straight, we got completely soaked every day. It was so awesome, because we were able to see a ton of miracles. This week we were blessed enough to find a lot of new investigators. And we got to teach some pretty sweet lessons. We got to meet with Anna and Wade this week, and teach them a lesson about baptism. It was probably one of the most spiritual lessons I have been in. The spirit was just putting words into my mouth as we covered a very wide variety of questions and topics. But probably one of the most amazing parts was when I felt impressed to ask him about his thoughts concerning Joseph Smith. Well, he finally opened up about how he had some concerns about him being a prophet. The spirit helped me out a ton, and as I opened my mouth Heavenly Father gave them a promise that if they prayed with real intent and searched for an answer, then he could give them one that night. I could hardly believe what I was saying. I know that message was from Heavenly Father to them. I am so thankful for the gospel, and for the power of prayer and the Holy Ghost that confirms the truth of all things. I cant fully describe the feelings of the lessons I share with people, I will say that it is the most amazing feeling ever to have the spirit testify through you. I love it. I love my mission so much, I enjoy every single day. I am pretty sad that we only get two years to serve. But I am making the most of every single day! I am so pumped for the rest of my mission, and the rest of today. I hope you all have a good week, I love you!

Elder Kirby

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