Monday, July 31, 2017


This week was amazing! We had lots of awesome opportunities. We got to teach our investigator Liz, we took Bishop Piercey out with us and had a phenomenal lesson. Liz is making some big changes in her life, and is looking forward to being baptized on the 19th ! We are really excited for her. We also had the wonderful opportunity to teach a lesson in a combined class this Sunday on the importance of members. I would invite you all to read PMG chapter 9 under the importance of members! Its a great chapter with wonderful counsel on how to work with the missionaries. Its awesome! 

We had Zone conference this week! and it was amazing! President Gardner taught us the importance of the Holy Ghost in our teaching. One of my fav quotes was from Elder Holland: "You cannot dwell in Babylon all day and then run to Enoch to teach a lesson. Grabbing the spirit out of the closet on your way out." I love that counsel. It really puts into perspective what we say and do all day. We have to consciously be aware of the spirit and not do anything that would detract from its presence. We also gave our training on the doctrine and promised blessings of baptism. It went really well we thought. I mean no one like yelled at us or anything so I guess we did ok! 

We also may have had a slight tornado one night this week, we have no conformation if that is accurate, but there were fences destroyed and large trees uprooted on one end of town and nowhere there was probably a twister like a mile from our house. (super sad we didn't see it)  Other than that not too much else exciting happened this week, we got to golf again today, and we are looking forward to a brand new 2017 Toyota Rogue. So that will be awesome! We head to Omaha again for MLC on Thursday night

Elder Brinkerhoff and I are doing well, we are getting along great and we are doing lots of good work out here. I love North Platte and everyone in our ward! Its an amazing place. Any how I love you all and I am so grateful your support and prayers. Have a great week!

Elder Kirby
3rd Nephi 18

Any ideas on what you want to be when you are grown?? Pediatrician

Words of wisdom?   Life's a garden dig it. jk...remember that repentance is the enabling power that carries us along the path of eternal progression.

Favorite thing about NP? Least favorite thing?  It's small and not humid!! I don't have a least favorite thing!

Most "interesting thing you've seen or witnessed in the last few month? Well im not too sure. Probably the man who stopped us on the street and asked if we could hold hands and pray with him. He also explained that he is a poet and writes mystical poems. That was awesome though!

Are you gonna come home a cowboy/farmer since serving with Elder Brinkerhoff? Lets just say...we have big plans...

How's the fishing? Fishing is good lots of bass!

What's your thoughts on the brotherly wrestling match that is less than a year away??   
Me and Brink wrestle all the time..I have also started some drilling so...lets go baby!!

 *pictures courtesy of Elder Brinkerhoff's mom, and his mission mom

Monday, July 24, 2017

Summer caroling

This week was a blast, We went on two exchanges this last week. First off, we traveled up to Omaha to go on exchanges with the Assistants. It was my turn to drive up, but when we got there I definitely noticed the humidity difference. It was so hot. But that didnt stop me and Elder Hubbard from going ham! We talked to a whole bunch of cool people, and Ilearned a ton from him! He is from Malad, Idaho. And turns out we know a lot of the same people haha! He is one of my favorite missionaries! We had a great time! 

We also went on Exchanges with Grand Island Elders. We did 2 baptism interviews for them on the way up and one on the way back. I went with Elder Adair, he is from Las Vegas. I decided that i wanted to try some new things this exchange, so we set a goal to sing to 3 people. Well we got going and we were talking to as many people as we could. And we were singing as much as we could too haha! when we were all finished we had sang to 7 people and found a new investigator! It was a blast, and i had so much fun! We are teaching some amazing people, and i am excited to see how they will progress. Things are going will for us, Elder Brinkerhoff and i are having a blast, and getting along great! We are hoping to do another transfer together. But we are making the most of the time we have. We will have a fun week next week, we are giving our first training in zone conference next week! wish us luck, it will be fun! Anyhow, thank you for all that you do, i love you and wish you the best! have a great week!

Elder Kirby 
2nd Nephi 2

Monday, July 17, 2017

Weekly Murcles

This week was so much fun! We have been working hard and seeing lots of miracles! We got a chance to go out to a town called Broken Bow for a baptism interview. It was awesome. I love serving in North Platte. Elder Brinkerhoff and I are having a ton of fun together. I got to start my day today with a nice 9 holes of golf. A member owns the course, so the Elders play for free! it was fun. We met a nice old man who played with us! He taught me how to golf!
Anyhow, One of the miracles this week:

When I was praying, I felt like we needed to look for a house with a blue bird and yellow flowers. So I set out that day to find them. Well I looked hard, but didn't find what I was looking for that day. So the next day on exchanges right at the end of the evening, the Elder I was with said "aren't you looking for yellow flowers?" and I said yes, and he pointed to a nearby house, and wouldn't you know it...yellow we started for the door, and just as I was about to knock, I noticed a little blue metal I knew that this was our house. A nice older woman answered the door, and we began to talk, she told us that she had met missionaries 10 years ago! And that she loved them, they helped her with some service, and she said they made her cry when they sang her Silent Night ..SO that is crazy because one of the goals we set for exchanges was to sing to one person. So I was like heck yeah I'm gonna sing Silent Night to this lady!! We bore our testimonies, the spirit was super strong, and then we sang her silent night. It was very powerful. Since then we have taught her twice and she is progressing!!  She cusses like a sailor though lol. It was awesome to see and feel the spirit guiding me to those who are prepared. I love this work so much, and I know that Heavenly Father puts us in every area we go to for a reason. We just have to find out why. 

 There were so many more, but I don't have time to share them all! I am so greatful for this chance I have to serve my Heavenly Father. I love every second of every day. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. I love you all! 

Elder Kirby

Monday, July 10, 2017

Burnin shirts

Holy crap, I cannot believe that it is Monday again already. This is ridiculous how fast time is going, we sure had a busy week this week. First off, all of the Zone Leaders and STLs got invited to Presidents house for a BBQ. It was a ton of fun! We ate burgers and got to play some basketball in the pouring rain! We had a blast. After that, we came home and went on exchanges with the North Platte 2nd Elders. It was a good exchange and we got a lot of work done! The highlight of my week was on Friday though. We got to go on a temple trip for passing of level two of scriptures. (I passed mine off Thursday) and we took off up to Omaha again. We had a wonderful time at the temple, it was an amazing session, and definitely the highlight of my week.
Elder Brinkerhoff and I also hit our year mark this wierd. we don't talk or think about it, so I wont say much more, but we did get to burn our shirts. So that was really fun. 
Speaking of Elder Brinkerhoff and I, we have been having a ton of fun, I am teaching him how to wrestle, and it is a blast. He is actually getting pretty good! We are working hard and teaching some really cool people. This is probably my favorite transfer so far, and one of my favorite companions too. We are getting along really well! North Platte is still good, not much changes around here. I absolutely love it. Its amazing I am hoping that I will be here a while! Oh yeah, we also had our interviews this week, so that was cool! I always love interviews. I also had to speak in church on Sunday, with our bishops wife..she warned me that I better take all of 15 minutes....well I may have misjudged  the length of my talk and only talked for 10 minutes haha...she wasn't too mad at me at least haha! I think I earned some brownie points by taking on their pancake challenge...All of the Elders do this challenge where they see how many pancakes and eggs they can eat, and then the top 10 go on the white board in their kitchen. Lets just say that I really wanted my name on that board...So I proceeded to eat 22 pancakes and 4 eggs and now I am in second place on the board. The record is 29 and 4 so I am going to get that in a couple weeks when we go back. Anyhow, I am having a blast! And loving my mission! I'm looking forward to a good week! Thank you for all that you do!
Love Elder Kirby

Monday, July 3, 2017

One year down

This week was straight fire. Elder Brinkerhoff and I are tearing it up. We had a pretty good week, North Platte is a little different, because our Zone is the largest in the United States I guess lol. Its awesome, because everything out here is in the country. We got to drive to Ogalala which is a town that is in the mountain time zone! We also got the opportunity to drive out to the Sand Hills Branch to attend church with our investigator Jeff. And I could hardly believe my eyes when I got there, the whole church was about the size of a one level home. The chapel was the size of our kitchen. There was about 20 people in attendance, and I am pretty sure there was not one person besides us that didn't have boots on. It was such a blast. Afterwards, we drove out to an Elders house who served here and went home on Thursday. His family moved to Nebraska, so he just drove home, we visited him, and his mom cooked us steaks. It was awesome. This next week is going to be a busy one, we have to drive to Omaha twice. Once for the temple trip, and again tonight for MLC tomorrow, as well as a BBQ at presidents house! It is going to be awesome. 

We had a really neat lesson this week, So we were told that there was a man that had been being taught by the branch pres for about 3 weeks, he moved up from Georgia, and married a member of the church. Well, we got invited up to teach a lesson this week, so that he can progress towards baptism. So we drove about an hour and a half to a small town of 50 called Thedford, and we taught one of the most powerful and spirit filled lessons of my mission so far. He has a heart of gold, and told us he was ready to be baptized, we committed him to pray, and he said, "I already know what God is going to tell me...its true." So we are looking forward to his baptism on the 22 of this month. 

Anyhow, Elder Brinkerhoff and I are doing well, we are having fun and kicking butt. I am super excited for  this transfer! Its going to be legendary. Anyhow, have a good week! 
Elder Kirby
Mosiah 18