Monday, July 24, 2017

Summer caroling

This week was a blast, We went on two exchanges this last week. First off, we traveled up to Omaha to go on exchanges with the Assistants. It was my turn to drive up, but when we got there I definitely noticed the humidity difference. It was so hot. But that didnt stop me and Elder Hubbard from going ham! We talked to a whole bunch of cool people, and Ilearned a ton from him! He is from Malad, Idaho. And turns out we know a lot of the same people haha! He is one of my favorite missionaries! We had a great time! 

We also went on Exchanges with Grand Island Elders. We did 2 baptism interviews for them on the way up and one on the way back. I went with Elder Adair, he is from Las Vegas. I decided that i wanted to try some new things this exchange, so we set a goal to sing to 3 people. Well we got going and we were talking to as many people as we could. And we were singing as much as we could too haha! when we were all finished we had sang to 7 people and found a new investigator! It was a blast, and i had so much fun! We are teaching some amazing people, and i am excited to see how they will progress. Things are going will for us, Elder Brinkerhoff and i are having a blast, and getting along great! We are hoping to do another transfer together. But we are making the most of the time we have. We will have a fun week next week, we are giving our first training in zone conference next week! wish us luck, it will be fun! Anyhow, thank you for all that you do, i love you and wish you the best! have a great week!

Elder Kirby 
2nd Nephi 2

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