Monday, July 17, 2017

Weekly Murcles

This week was so much fun! We have been working hard and seeing lots of miracles! We got a chance to go out to a town called Broken Bow for a baptism interview. It was awesome. I love serving in North Platte. Elder Brinkerhoff and I are having a ton of fun together. I got to start my day today with a nice 9 holes of golf. A member owns the course, so the Elders play for free! it was fun. We met a nice old man who played with us! He taught me how to golf!
Anyhow, One of the miracles this week:

When I was praying, I felt like we needed to look for a house with a blue bird and yellow flowers. So I set out that day to find them. Well I looked hard, but didn't find what I was looking for that day. So the next day on exchanges right at the end of the evening, the Elder I was with said "aren't you looking for yellow flowers?" and I said yes, and he pointed to a nearby house, and wouldn't you know it...yellow we started for the door, and just as I was about to knock, I noticed a little blue metal I knew that this was our house. A nice older woman answered the door, and we began to talk, she told us that she had met missionaries 10 years ago! And that she loved them, they helped her with some service, and she said they made her cry when they sang her Silent Night ..SO that is crazy because one of the goals we set for exchanges was to sing to one person. So I was like heck yeah I'm gonna sing Silent Night to this lady!! We bore our testimonies, the spirit was super strong, and then we sang her silent night. It was very powerful. Since then we have taught her twice and she is progressing!!  She cusses like a sailor though lol. It was awesome to see and feel the spirit guiding me to those who are prepared. I love this work so much, and I know that Heavenly Father puts us in every area we go to for a reason. We just have to find out why. 

 There were so many more, but I don't have time to share them all! I am so greatful for this chance I have to serve my Heavenly Father. I love every second of every day. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. I love you all! 

Elder Kirby

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