Monday, July 3, 2017

One year down

This week was straight fire. Elder Brinkerhoff and I are tearing it up. We had a pretty good week, North Platte is a little different, because our Zone is the largest in the United States I guess lol. Its awesome, because everything out here is in the country. We got to drive to Ogalala which is a town that is in the mountain time zone! We also got the opportunity to drive out to the Sand Hills Branch to attend church with our investigator Jeff. And I could hardly believe my eyes when I got there, the whole church was about the size of a one level home. The chapel was the size of our kitchen. There was about 20 people in attendance, and I am pretty sure there was not one person besides us that didn't have boots on. It was such a blast. Afterwards, we drove out to an Elders house who served here and went home on Thursday. His family moved to Nebraska, so he just drove home, we visited him, and his mom cooked us steaks. It was awesome. This next week is going to be a busy one, we have to drive to Omaha twice. Once for the temple trip, and again tonight for MLC tomorrow, as well as a BBQ at presidents house! It is going to be awesome. 

We had a really neat lesson this week, So we were told that there was a man that had been being taught by the branch pres for about 3 weeks, he moved up from Georgia, and married a member of the church. Well, we got invited up to teach a lesson this week, so that he can progress towards baptism. So we drove about an hour and a half to a small town of 50 called Thedford, and we taught one of the most powerful and spirit filled lessons of my mission so far. He has a heart of gold, and told us he was ready to be baptized, we committed him to pray, and he said, "I already know what God is going to tell me...its true." So we are looking forward to his baptism on the 22 of this month. 

Anyhow, Elder Brinkerhoff and I are doing well, we are having fun and kicking butt. I am super excited for  this transfer! Its going to be legendary. Anyhow, have a good week! 
Elder Kirby
Mosiah 18

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