Monday, July 10, 2017

Burnin shirts

Holy crap, I cannot believe that it is Monday again already. This is ridiculous how fast time is going, we sure had a busy week this week. First off, all of the Zone Leaders and STLs got invited to Presidents house for a BBQ. It was a ton of fun! We ate burgers and got to play some basketball in the pouring rain! We had a blast. After that, we came home and went on exchanges with the North Platte 2nd Elders. It was a good exchange and we got a lot of work done! The highlight of my week was on Friday though. We got to go on a temple trip for passing of level two of scriptures. (I passed mine off Thursday) and we took off up to Omaha again. We had a wonderful time at the temple, it was an amazing session, and definitely the highlight of my week.
Elder Brinkerhoff and I also hit our year mark this wierd. we don't talk or think about it, so I wont say much more, but we did get to burn our shirts. So that was really fun. 
Speaking of Elder Brinkerhoff and I, we have been having a ton of fun, I am teaching him how to wrestle, and it is a blast. He is actually getting pretty good! We are working hard and teaching some really cool people. This is probably my favorite transfer so far, and one of my favorite companions too. We are getting along really well! North Platte is still good, not much changes around here. I absolutely love it. Its amazing I am hoping that I will be here a while! Oh yeah, we also had our interviews this week, so that was cool! I always love interviews. I also had to speak in church on Sunday, with our bishops wife..she warned me that I better take all of 15 minutes....well I may have misjudged  the length of my talk and only talked for 10 minutes haha...she wasn't too mad at me at least haha! I think I earned some brownie points by taking on their pancake challenge...All of the Elders do this challenge where they see how many pancakes and eggs they can eat, and then the top 10 go on the white board in their kitchen. Lets just say that I really wanted my name on that board...So I proceeded to eat 22 pancakes and 4 eggs and now I am in second place on the board. The record is 29 and 4 so I am going to get that in a couple weeks when we go back. Anyhow, I am having a blast! And loving my mission! I'm looking forward to a good week! Thank you for all that you do!
Love Elder Kirby

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