Monday, October 30, 2017

North Platte round 4

Well as far as transfers go, I am staying in North Platte for another transfer with Elder Towne!! We are pretty excited to keep the zone family together! 

This week was really good, we did a LOT of walking, but it totally paid off! The Lord blessed us with so many opportunities to talk with people! We have also seen a lot of progress with a lot of our investigators! We had a trunk or treat with our ward this week, and we had a bunch of our investigators come! Us and the other Elders made home made root beer, and passed out candy! it was a ton of fun! We also had an exchange with the Mccook Elders, it was last minute, but it was really awesome! I went with Elder Trotter who has been out for 6 weeks now. He is an awesome missionary, and we had a lot of fun talking to people, and seeing a lot of miracles! Overall it was a good week, it has been getting more and more cold here! its only a matter of time before the snow comes im afraid. 

This coming transfer is going to be awesome! Elder Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Quorum of the 70 is visiting us this transfer and doing a mission tour. We get to be with him twice!! Once for our mission leadership council and then for the actual Zone conference! I am really excited! There is also a lot of changes happening in our mission to help us be better missionaries, and I am really excited for that! Over all I am loving my mission more than anything! I cannot wait for the next few transfers! They are going to be so awesome! Anyhow, Thank you to everyone for all that you do! I love you!

Love Elder Kirby

2 Nephi 9 

Monday, October 23, 2017


This week was awesome! We got to do a lot of driving! First to a zone conference in Kearney. It was so awesome, I learned so much from President Gardener! Especially about Preach My Gospel! It is such an inspired book, not only for missionaries, but for everyone! We then drove to Omaha for MLC this week too, and it was another amazing meeting! I learned a lot about how to solve problems, and the importance of always teaching the Basics. 

The rest of the week was good, I convinced Elder Towne that he was color blind for half of the day, long story, nevertheless, hilarious. We are doing so well together, and we are getting a lot of good work done! Lizz came to church this week, and we are really excited! She is such a good example of how the gospel can change our lives. Overall good week, not too much else happened, just lots of hard work and lots of cool miracles!! Hope everyone has a good week! Transfers are next week, so I am hoping to stay for another one!! Anyhow, until then!

Love Elder Kirby

Excerpt from his email to mom :)

**The Book of Mormon is changing my life everyday. I think of a quote that brings me a lot of peace. "Come as you are, but don't plan on staying the same." All that our Heavenly Father asks of us is that we come to him as we are, and that we continually change our hearts. He accepts us as we come, and then he helps us change for the better. No matter where we are at in life or what we have done or experienced, the invitation is the same. "Come unto me." I can testify that as we come to the Savior our hearts will change, and we will experience joy that we never have before! I love this gospel, and I know that it is true. The Book of Mormon is scripture, it is our Liahona here on the earth. It dispels even the blackest of nights with its bright shining rays of divine guidance. I love it and I know that it is true. The blessings extend far beyond just our own lives!

 still a practical joker

 cowboy at heart


Monday, October 16, 2017


This week was one of the most amazing weeks of my mission. Paul was baptized this week! It was such a spiritual experience, and I was so happy to be able to baptize him! The service turned out really good too! Paul is such an inspiration to me, he finished the Book of Mormon cover to cover in 6 weeks before he was baptized. He told us he was looking forward to starting again! He is awesome, and we are really excited for him!  That was definitely the highlight of the week! The rest of the week was great too! We got to go up to Omaha to do an exchange with the assistants! I went with Elder Burbank, who actually came out with me! We had a great time, and got to teach a lot of cool people! We hurried back home so that we could do another exchange with the Lexington Spanish elders. I got to go with Elder Guerts, who has been out about 3 weeks now! He is an awesome elder, we got to teach some great people, and had a blast together! I'm still working on my Spanish lol. The weather is getting cold, and the leaves are changing, Nebraska in the fall is my favorite time of year! its so awesome. Anyhow, we are keeping busy out here and Elder Towne and I are having a blast! We are looking forward to another busy week! Thank you for all of your love and support! 

Love Elder Kirby

 The crew
 Poky Pride
Baptisms and Fall. My two favorites!!

Monday, October 9, 2017


This week was a week of bipolar weather haha! one day it was nice and sunny, and today we have tried to stay in as much as possible. But hey I'm in Nebraska, so can't I complain too much! This week was good, we traveled down to Grand Island to go to a district meeting, which is a two hour drive, and it was an awesome meeting! After the meeting I got to go on exchanges with Elder Hoxer, he is so awesome! We had a great exchange and saw a lot of cool things happen. He is a great Elder! Its weird going out with Elders who are the same age as my little brother haha! We had a great week this week, it flew by so fast! We have been able to teach some pretty amazing people! we had a few people attend church with us this week, including a part member family we are working with, one of the kids who is an investigator actually bore his testimony. It was really powerful. They are so awesome and we are excited to continue to work with them. Paul is set to be baptized this Saturday, before he left he had finished up to 4th Nephi, so we will see him this Thursday for his interview! Its going to be so awesome! Elder Towne and I are doing great together! Seeing lots of miracles and having a ton of fun! The Lord blesses us everyday with miracles. He is truly leading this great work. Busy week this week, with trips to Omaha, and more exchanges! Hopefully more to come next week! Thank you for all that you do! I love you!

Elder Kirby 

Isaiah 49:16

Monday, October 2, 2017

I love conference

This week was so amazing! it went way to fast though! We had exchanges this week with the North Platte 1st Elders, Elder Adams and I had a blast teaching our investigators and finding new individuals. One lady who we saw sitting on a chair in her front yard told us as we approached her that she had just told Heavenly Father that she was having a hard time picking up all of the acorns in her front yard. And then almost right after we happened to show up! it was truly a blessing of the Lord putting us in the right place at the right time. We were able to help her pick them up and then teach her the message of the restoration. She is such a sweet lady. She saw us this morning while she was driving and waved to us! it made my day haha! Speaking of crazy stuff, we had a guy stop us and tell us to preach to him. It was sweet! We are meeting so many cool people, and the Lord is truly blessing us. General conference was so awesome! SO many good talks. I cant even narrow it down to one that i liked! I loved Elder Bednars talk. So good. I cannot wait to study it some more! I felt so uplifted after conference. In fact when we were driving between sessions, i told Elder Towne "man its conference and these people have no idea" so we went around just inviting everyone to come and hear the prophets voice. It was so much fun! I loved the emphasis on the family, charity, and the Book of Mormon. All of my questions were answered. I know and can testify that we truly do have Prophets of God on earth today. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. And i know that because of Jesus Christ, we can be lifted from the lowest of lows. We just have to turn outward. It was also wonderful to hear so many quotations of the Living Christ and the Family Proclamation! Those documents are so inspired, and i would invite everyone to read them every single day! I love them! I love my mission so much. I was thinking the other day about how much my mission has changed my life. I have felt more joy than i ever have in my entire life. I know its because i am sharing the gospel. I have a testimony that through Jesus Christ we can become better than we ever thought we could be. Overall i am just thankful for this gospel, and the miracle of repentance, that enables us to grow and change every day. i cant wait for this coming week, its going to be so much fun! Paul is now in 3rd Nephi 6 as of today, and is hoping to finish by his baptism on the 14th! Anyhow, i hope you all have a good week! i love you and am thankful for you! See ya again soon!

Elder Kirby