Monday, October 9, 2017


This week was a week of bipolar weather haha! one day it was nice and sunny, and today we have tried to stay in as much as possible. But hey I'm in Nebraska, so can't I complain too much! This week was good, we traveled down to Grand Island to go to a district meeting, which is a two hour drive, and it was an awesome meeting! After the meeting I got to go on exchanges with Elder Hoxer, he is so awesome! We had a great exchange and saw a lot of cool things happen. He is a great Elder! Its weird going out with Elders who are the same age as my little brother haha! We had a great week this week, it flew by so fast! We have been able to teach some pretty amazing people! we had a few people attend church with us this week, including a part member family we are working with, one of the kids who is an investigator actually bore his testimony. It was really powerful. They are so awesome and we are excited to continue to work with them. Paul is set to be baptized this Saturday, before he left he had finished up to 4th Nephi, so we will see him this Thursday for his interview! Its going to be so awesome! Elder Towne and I are doing great together! Seeing lots of miracles and having a ton of fun! The Lord blesses us everyday with miracles. He is truly leading this great work. Busy week this week, with trips to Omaha, and more exchanges! Hopefully more to come next week! Thank you for all that you do! I love you!

Elder Kirby 

Isaiah 49:16

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