Monday, October 23, 2017


This week was awesome! We got to do a lot of driving! First to a zone conference in Kearney. It was so awesome, I learned so much from President Gardener! Especially about Preach My Gospel! It is such an inspired book, not only for missionaries, but for everyone! We then drove to Omaha for MLC this week too, and it was another amazing meeting! I learned a lot about how to solve problems, and the importance of always teaching the Basics. 

The rest of the week was good, I convinced Elder Towne that he was color blind for half of the day, long story, nevertheless, hilarious. We are doing so well together, and we are getting a lot of good work done! Lizz came to church this week, and we are really excited! She is such a good example of how the gospel can change our lives. Overall good week, not too much else happened, just lots of hard work and lots of cool miracles!! Hope everyone has a good week! Transfers are next week, so I am hoping to stay for another one!! Anyhow, until then!

Love Elder Kirby

Excerpt from his email to mom :)

**The Book of Mormon is changing my life everyday. I think of a quote that brings me a lot of peace. "Come as you are, but don't plan on staying the same." All that our Heavenly Father asks of us is that we come to him as we are, and that we continually change our hearts. He accepts us as we come, and then he helps us change for the better. No matter where we are at in life or what we have done or experienced, the invitation is the same. "Come unto me." I can testify that as we come to the Savior our hearts will change, and we will experience joy that we never have before! I love this gospel, and I know that it is true. The Book of Mormon is scripture, it is our Liahona here on the earth. It dispels even the blackest of nights with its bright shining rays of divine guidance. I love it and I know that it is true. The blessings extend far beyond just our own lives!

 still a practical joker

 cowboy at heart


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