Monday, October 30, 2017

North Platte round 4

Well as far as transfers go, I am staying in North Platte for another transfer with Elder Towne!! We are pretty excited to keep the zone family together! 

This week was really good, we did a LOT of walking, but it totally paid off! The Lord blessed us with so many opportunities to talk with people! We have also seen a lot of progress with a lot of our investigators! We had a trunk or treat with our ward this week, and we had a bunch of our investigators come! Us and the other Elders made home made root beer, and passed out candy! it was a ton of fun! We also had an exchange with the Mccook Elders, it was last minute, but it was really awesome! I went with Elder Trotter who has been out for 6 weeks now. He is an awesome missionary, and we had a lot of fun talking to people, and seeing a lot of miracles! Overall it was a good week, it has been getting more and more cold here! its only a matter of time before the snow comes im afraid. 

This coming transfer is going to be awesome! Elder Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Quorum of the 70 is visiting us this transfer and doing a mission tour. We get to be with him twice!! Once for our mission leadership council and then for the actual Zone conference! I am really excited! There is also a lot of changes happening in our mission to help us be better missionaries, and I am really excited for that! Over all I am loving my mission more than anything! I cannot wait for the next few transfers! They are going to be so awesome! Anyhow, Thank you to everyone for all that you do! I love you!

Love Elder Kirby

2 Nephi 9 

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