Sunday, May 6, 2018


Hello everyone,

This week was definitely one for the books. We had a full week full of hype, ministering, and miracles. First things first, the weather was amazing this week, and everything is finally starting to turn green. So we are talking to a ton of people, and having a blast! My companions and I are working hard and having fun. We had exchanges this week with the Karen Elders. I went wih elder Bahlmaan who is actually my grandson, Elder Stokes trained him. We had a great exchange, and saw miracles with setting an investigator couple for baptism. The lesson was super awesome, as we explained that the father could baptize his seven year old twins when they turned eight. So that was definitely the highlight. Then we went to a fancy Asian restaurant, where I had the privilege of trying  a lot of different food haha! It was all really good! We ended our night by teaching another one of our investigators. So i'll get right into the coolest miracle. We have had an emphasis on teaching with a vision to baptize lately, so we thought that we would incorporate it into all phases of missionary work. Before we left our apartment, we prayed that we would be led to someone who had the desire to be baptized. So we went out to try and contact some of our investigators, and we didn't have much success. However we were led to a potentials house who happened to be home, and she let us right in. After some small talk and a prayer, our previous prayer was answered. She asked us all about baptism, and explained that she had a great desire to change, and for her sons to change, so that she could be baptized. I was like what...I literally just sat there staring at her in silence. SHE HADN'T EVEN BEEN TAUGHT ANYTHING, but wanted to be baptized. So we proceeded to teach her the message of the Restoration, and set her and one of her sons for baptism on the 26th of this month. Truly a miracle from the Lord. He knows our desires and will always lead us as we have faith. Another sweet miracle took place over the course of three days this week. Lisa our investigator has been progressing well, reading everyday, and quitting smoking. Well she has gotten down to 4 a day from about 40 a day three weeks ago. So she is crushing it, but this week she came to the trail center for a tour on Friday, a baptism on Saturday, and then church on was so amazing to see the light in her eyes as she felt the spirit all three days. She is so amazing, and I am excited to continue to work with her! We were also blessed to find new investigators and have a chance to minister to some Elders in our zone, on a side note, we also got 4 papa Murphy's pizzas for free...(thats a miracles in and of itself) So that was legit. Overall, it was an amazing week, and I had a lot of fun. Overall, I am enjoying my time, and having a lot of fun. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father guides us in this work, and is helping us to find the one everyday. I would encourage each of you to ask Heavenly Father for guidance to one individual that you can minister every day, he will always lead those who are willing. I love you all, and hope that you have a great week! 


Elder Kirby
Alma 5:7

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