Monday, May 7, 2018


Hello Everyone,

The cornhusker state is heating up! Its been so awesome to enjoy the nice and sunny weather. We had a lot of fun this week, and saw some pretty amazing miracles. First things first, we had exchanges this week with the Winter Quarters Elders. Elder Brinkerhoff and Johnson. Needless to say it was legendary as always. We went in a trio, me and Elder Brinkerhoff and Elder Ombach. We had a blast working hard, we taught a couple of people and had a ton of fun. The next day, we finished studies, and had district meeting with the Eagle Run District, it was great, Elder Brinkerhoff got everyone hyped, and it was a ton of fun being there. After that, we went on our exchange with the Assistants. It was so much fun, i got to go with Elder Moore this time, he is from Arizona, we had a great day talking to people! We also had dinner at culvers, and that was amazing too! The next morning we drove home and started our weekly planning! So this week was pretty busy, but also full of small miracles as well! We had another experience this week in which we prayed and asked Heavenly Father to lead and guide us to someone who had a desire to be baptized. And sure enough, we were walking on the same street that we saw our first miracle, and i received a prompting to knock on a house. We were late to an appointment, and had no intentions of stopping, but we decided to try anyways. As we were greeted at the door, a very nice lady let us into her home, and agreed to hear our message. As we taught about the Restoration, we explained to her that she could come closer to Heavenly Father by being baptized, and that we were going to invite her to follow the Savior and be baptized at the end of the lesson. Well this sparked her interest, and she told us that she had never been baptized, but that it was something that she would like to do! Wow..i was so amazed that Heavenly Father was leading us to so many prepared people. Truly a blessing and a miracle. We also had another cool tender mercy, as we have been praying to find prepared individuals, we were led to another lady who agreed to listen to our message. We taught her about the Book of Mormon, and she interrupted us and said: "Does the baptist church preach this?" we answered no, but it was the unique and special part of our message. She then went on to tell us about how everyone needed this. She accepted a copy and also a return appointment for this evening. Our investigator Lisa is still doing well, she is in Alma in the Book of Mormon, and has made major improvements in her smoking. She also attended church this week, and had an amazing time. She is so sweet, and wants to be baptized so bad. Its just amazing to see the light in her eyes as she has been reading and praying everyday. The Book of Mormon has so much power, and it can truly speak for itself. I love the chance that i have to read it and share it every day. Its so true, i know it and i love it. To end i just want to give a shout out to my momma, happy mothers day, and happy mothers day to all of the other moms! I love you all and hope that you have a good week! 

Elder Kirby

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