Monday, May 21, 2018

zoo trip

Hello everyone,

Well I cannot believe that it is P day again, it seems like I was just here last week typing my weekly. Needless to say, this week FLEW by! It is crazy how fast the time seems to go. We had a lot of fun this week, received some awesome revelation, and had some bomb lessons. So this week we had our zone conference, and it was so awesome,  loved all of the trainings. Sister Gardner gave one about being a child of God that really touched me, and it was on my mind for the rest of the week. Which leads into the next cool thing that happened this week, as I was praying this week, I was asking Heavenly Father what I could do to help the zone, I asked him to teach me. Well my answer came at around 12 a.m. it was so cool, I guess revelation doesnt wait for sleep lol. I quickly scribbled down the things coming to my mind. The next day we had what we call "family council" which is where the District Leaders and the STL's meet for a quick meeting and discuss what needs to happen in our zone. I was then happy to share the revelation that I received, and we were able to council and discuss all about it! It was so amazing to feel the spirit, and also to learn to receive revelation! I am so thankful for Heavenly Father and His loving guidance. Anyhow, the rest of the week was equally as amazing, we are teaching some pretty amazing people, Lisa is still doing good, she is working so hard to stop smoking, she always tells us that her motivation is her baptism. We are also teaching a pretty sweet family now, and they are doing well, we have an appointment with them this evening.  We went to the Zoo today, we got to go with the Winter Quarters Elders, Elder Brinkerhoff and Elder Johnson, it was a blast. At one of the gorilla exhibits, one of the male gorillas took our white shirts as a threat and charged the glass a couple of times, and then it would just follow us around the cage haha it was so awesome, kinda scary, but legit none the less. We also met a random member that worked there, and she hooked us up with some free sky safari tickets haha! Super sweet! Anyhow, this week was awesome, we are looking forward to yet again a busy week full of meetings and hard work. I cant believe that this is the last week of the transfer. Time flies. Anyhow, thank you for all that you do, I love you all! Have a great week!

Love Elder Kirby

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