Monday, May 14, 2018


Hello everyone,

Happy mothers day! This week was an awesome week, we are seeing so many cool things happen here! First of all, being able to talk to my family, and actually see them was a huge blessing, i am so grateful for technology. It was good to see them. 

So we had a pretty busy week full of odds and ends, but we had a lot of really cool spiritual experiences this week as well. We had interviews this week, and that was amazing as always, its so awesome to be able to spend a little time with President Gardner one on one! He is amazing. We also managed to get everyone interviewed in an organized manner too haha. #miracles. Along with getting to spend time with President this week, we also got to spend time with our stake President, he had all of the Zone Leaders and the STLs in our stake over to have breakfast in his home. It was a good time, he works for Union Pacific, and knows quite a few people from Soda! He is awesome, and we had a really good time. This week we were blessed in finding a new family to teach, the Karen Elders met them, and referred them to us. Well we hadnt even taught them the Restoration yet, but the mom and the 10 year old daughter came to church this last Sunday, and loved it! Later that night we taught the Restoration to the whole family, and set the Mom, Dad, and daughter for baptism in June. It was so amazing, and definitely a miracle from Heavenly Father, as we have continued to pray for prepared individuals to teach!! Lisa is still doing well, she wasnt at church this week, but we are still working with her, and we are helping her prepare for baptism here soon! Last night we had a huge thunder storm, it was so loud that it shook our house, and woke us all up at 3:30 in the morning. It was so wild. This morning, we went and helped one of our members load a moving truck, and the we went shed hunting in the forest right around where we helped move. We didnt find any sheds, but we did see some deer, and also a coyote. And then we wrapped up by playing some basketball at the Stake Center. Overall it was a fun week! This next week should be pretty fun as well, we have our zone conference this week with car inspections, so that will be fun! Anyhow, thank you to all for your prayers and your support. I love you all! 

Love Elder Kirby

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